When your home is supplied with hard water, you need to make certain allowances, many of which just become a matter of routine. Certain water-using appliances (namely your dishwasher and washing machine) might need more frequent cleaning in order to remove the accumulation of mineral deposits. It also can affect your shower. With all that hard water flowing from the showerhead, this accumulation of minerals that were contained in the water can make cleaning a little difficult. Shower screens in particular can be rather problematic, and you might have found yourself simply living with a shower screen that seems to be permanently covered in a filmy scale buildup. So how can you overcome the issue of hard water making it seemingly impossible to keep your shower enclosure clean?

The Shower Head

Reducing your water consumption is an environmentally friendly thing to do, and it can also help to keep your shower screen clean. Replace your shower head with a low flow model. This will reduce the amount of water that is expelled from the shower head, thus reducing the amount of water that is deposited on your shower screen. Some shower heads don't in fact need to be replaced and can simply be fitted with a flow restrictor or aerator to achieve the same result. There will be an adjustment period while you get used to showering with less water, but this shouldn't be a major inconvenience.

The Cleaning Products

What do you currently use to clean your shower screen? Standard cleaning products might not be all that successful in removing scale buildup caused by hard water. You can ditch your detergents and use a more natural product. Using a mixture of water and vinegar (with a bit of elbow grease) can be more effective than a standard cleaning product.

The Alternative

You have another option, and that's to simply replace your shower screen. If you don't want to have to regularly scrub the scale buildup from your shower screen, then get rid of your shower screen. A shower curtain can still be affected by hard water, and yet the mineral accumulation is less evident. When the shower curtain becomes noticeably affected, you can change it for a new one. You could also opt for a machine washable waterproofed canvas shower curtain if you don't like the idea of having to regularly replace the object.

Keeping your shower enclosure clean when you use hard water doesn't really have to be that difficult.
