If you have cats or dogs in your home and need to choose some new window dressings, shutters would be an excellent choice. Here are two reasons why.

They won't need as much cleaning as other window dressings

As a pet owner, you probably devote a lot more time to cleaning your home than those who don't have pets. This is because both cats and dogs usually leave fur on every surface they touch, which you then need to either vacuum up or remove with lint rollers, and if they tread or lie on any upholstered surfaces whilst their paws or fur is wet or muddy, they can create stains that you need to quickly remove to prevent stains.

If you don't want to add to your existing pet-related cleaning chores, shutters would probably be a better choice for your home than blinds or curtains. The reason for this is that firstly, pet hair won't cling to or take ages to remove from shutters, as the hard, smooth materials they're made from mean that any pet hair that lands on them will either slide off or will be almost effortless for you to remove in seconds with a dampened cloth. Secondly, as long as your shutters are made from PVC, treated wood or metal, any mud that your pets transfer to them when they jump on them or paw at them won't stain them, even if the mud dries on and is left there for a few days.

They're likely to last longer in your home than other window dressings

The presence of cats or dogs in your home can shorten the lifespan of many features, including things like your furniture, your flooring and your window dressings. However, if you get shutters, you should find that your pets don't affect their lifespan.

This is because shutters are made of hard materials, instead of soft fabrics like curtains and blinds, and so are less vulnerable to damage as a result of, for example, being subjected to your cat's sharp claws (which could result in blinds or curtains ending up shredded and threadbare). Similarly, if you have a dog who has pulled down and torn curtains in the past, shutters would be a great choice of window dressing as shutters are not as flimsy as curtains and are fitted onto the wall in a way that would make them almost impossible for a dog to pull off the wall and break.

For more information on shutters, contact a company near you. 
